The most powerful website identity solution in the U.S

SmartPiXL empowers brands, companies, and
agencies by turning anonymous website
shoppers into fully identified consumers.

Like tracking a digital fingerprint of visitors

SmartPiXL does not use Third Party Cookies or IP Retargeting!

SmartPiXL turns your anonymous website visitors into fully identified, first-party consumer data. Once we identify a consumer who visits your website, we return up to 300 attributes on that consumer.

0 +

Stephanie Stapleton

5648 Conway Dr, Scottsdale, AZ 85054
31 Years Old

$75,000 - $85,000
Woman’s Apparel Indicator
Online Ticket Purchases
Outdoors Enthusiast
Beauty Product Buyer

More Attributes!
0 +


Using Cookies and IP Address tracking is outdated technology for capturing website customers…

Smart PiXL is NOT a cookie-based solution and is not vulnerable to the recent changes that are dramatically impacting digital re-targeting solutions.


90% of all website visitors do not fill out a web form!

SmartPiXL turns anonymous website visitors into visible prospects

Full Identification

SmartPiXL identifies website shoppers and returns full identity & contact data for the consumers including Name, Postal Address, Age, Email, and up to 300 data attributes.

Behavior Tracking

SmartPiXL reveals what the Shoppers’ behavior is while on the site by showing the pages they visited. This allows for the creation of custom audiences.

Ad Attribution

SmartPiXL can also return data that allows the brand to attribute advertising performance to a consumer’s actions and conversions by reporting UTM data to matched consumers.

How SmartPiXL works

Place your patent-pending smartPiXL
code in the header of your website

when a consumer visits the sites
smart SmartPiXL fires and immediately collects
12 elements of(non-PII) information
from the visitor's device

The 12 elements collected are then matched against our expansive identity database

Check out this recent Case study!

The Challenges

Identify and market to individuals via email, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram within a timely manner.

Capture online shoppers as they physically enter the dealership after receiving a marketing piece.

Results with smart PiXL

Monitored web traffic and marketed to these individuals within 48 hours of their visit.

Created a digital fence around the dealership’s location to capture all foot traffic entering the dealership’s physical location.


Identified Web Visitors

Within 48 hours of online visit was sent an email and Social Media Impression.


Dealership Visits Tracked

One campaign sent to the 48-hours of online visitors resulted in an increase in foot traffic at the dealership by 2.2%!

Wondering how SmartPiXL can help you achieve increased foot traffic for your brand or client?

Schedule a demo of our data solutions and receive a gift from us!